US envoy warns against exploiting Yemen truce to prepare for war
الثلاثاء 21 يونيو-حزيران 2022 الساعة 09 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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Update on Yemen by Deputy Assistant Secretary Lenderking, Near Eastern Affairs - YouTube

Yemen’s extended truce should not be a time for regrouping or planning further conflict, the US envoy to Yemen.

Speaking on the sidelines of the first Yemen International Forum in Stockholm, organised by the Sanaa Centre for Strategic Studies and the Swedish government, Tim Lenderking said those who believe the war in Yemen could be ended militarily are “fundamentally mistaken”.

“There’s nothing to be gained than more hurt on the Yemeni people and frustration on the part of the international community in pursuit of a military course,” he said.

Yemeni officials have accused the Houthi group, who swept into Aden in 2014 and have been waging war against the internationally recognised government for seven years, of exploiting the two-month truce to regain advantage in the conflict.

“The truce is not meant to be a regrouping exercise or an opportunity to rest up before battle,” Lenderking said.

He added that it was important to resolve pending issues such as the opening of roads around the key city of Taiz — which has yet to materialise despite being part of the agreement.

The ceasefire, most recently extended on June 2, expires on August 1. It has been the first nationwide truce since the war began enters its third month,


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