More than 60 killed as Houthis inch towards Marib city
الإثنين 27 سبتمبر-أيلول 2021 الساعة 06 مساءً / Yemeni Media Center
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At least 40 Houthi fighters killed in fierce Marib fighting | Arab News

Sixty-seven Yemeni Houthis and pro-government troops have been killed in fighting for the key city of Marib, military sources said Monday, as the insurgents inch closer to the loyalists’ last northern bastion.

A volley of air strikes from the Saudi-led coalition targeted the Iran-backed Houthis, who have stepped up their assault to seize the capital of the oil-rich Marib province in recent weeks.

Hundreds of fighters have died in clashes this month for Marib, a temporary home for hundreds of thousands who fled there from other frontline cities. Over two million more live in refugee camps in the province.

“Fifty-eight Houthi insurgents and nine loyalists were killed in fighting and air strikes in the provinces of Marib and Shabwa in the past 24 hours,” military sources told AFP.

The figures were confirmed by medical sources, while the Houthis rarely announce their casualties.

According to the military sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity, the Saudi-led coalition launched more than 20 air strikes in the past 24 hours. 

The strikes “targeted Houthi vehicles, meeting points and reinforcements in Shabwa and Marib,” one source added. 

The Houthis initially escalated their efforts to seize Marib in February, hoping to seize control of the region’s oil resources and strengthen their position in peace talks.

Since then, in a major blow to the government, the insurgents have neared the city on three fronts — from the north, west and south.

Marib, about 120 kilometres (75 miles) east of the Houthi-held capital Sanaa, sits at a crossroads between the southern and northern regions and is key to controlling Yemen’s north.

The Houthis already control swathes of the country, and the seizure of Marib would cement their hold on the north.

The city had between 20,000 and 30,000 inhabitants before the war, but its population has ballooned as Yemenis fled there for its relative stability.

With about 139 refugee camps in the province, according to the government, hosting approximately 2.2 million people, the displaced civilians are again caught in the line of fire. 

Yemen’s conflict flared in 2014 when the Houthis seized the capital Sanaa, prompting the Saudi-led intervention to prop up the internationally recognised government the following year.

This month marks seven years since the Houthis took control of Sanaa, with some analysts saying the balance has tilted in favour of the insurgents against the coalition. 


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